what is computer

what is computer

Image by engin akyurt from Pixabay

What is Computer?

What is Computer? ;- A computer is such an electronic device. Which processes information based on the given instruction group, and this group is called a program. The computer is called (sanganak) in Hindi. It stores and processes data in binary form. The word computer is derived from the English language compute word. Compute means to calculate.

In the world of technology, computers are used to make every difficult task a success. The computer has brought a new revolution in the world of technology. From the computer, we can solve addition, subtraction, multiply, divide, all Mathematically problems easily. We can play games on the computer.

With its help, we can get weather information. From the computer, we can see and hear the song, movie, everything. Today, computers should be every home. You can transfer money with the help of internet from computer. With the help of the internet, we can talk to the person sitting away from the internet.

What is the meaning of computer

The computer is called (sanganak) in Hindi. The computer was first created as a calculator. Hence it is called (sanganak).

  • C = COMMONLY (सामान्य रूप से)
  • O = OPERATED (कार्य में आने वाला)
  • M = MACHINE (मशीन)
  • P = PARTICULARLY (जो विशेष रूप से)
  • U = USED FOR (काम में आती है )
  • T = TRADE (व्यापार में)
  • E = EDUCATION (शिक्षा में)
  • R = RESEARCH (अनुसंधान कार्यों में)

Computer theory

Computer theory

The computer takes our data first. This means that we give input to the computer. You can understand the meaning of input as if by typing from the keyboard, we ask something from the computer, or ask a question. Then the computer, processing that question. Processing means that the computer starts following our instructions. He then gives us the output. Output means that Computer finds the answer to our question and gives it to us.

Input Unit; – Tools used to input data and instructions. It is a part of the computer through which information is entered into a system. With their help, we direct the information on the computer. It is hardware through which we interact with the computer and control it. With its help, we get all the work done from the computer.

CPU; – CPU means, the control process unit i.e. the part in which the main work of the computer is done. In Hindi, it is also called the Central Analysis Unit. As its name implies, it is the part of the computer where the computer analyzes the information received.

We call this the heart and mind of a computer. The CPU is also known as Microprocessor. The CPU is the most important part of the Computer System. It runs an Operating System (system software) and Application Software. It processes the data and generates output.

There are (2) two components of a CPU.

  • ALU; – ALU is a full-form arithmetic logic unit. Which performs arithmetic and logical operations.
  • CU; – CU is a full-form control unit. CU extracts instructions from Memory and Decode. And executes them by calling ALU when necessary.

Output Unit; – The device with which we know the result. And with their help, we can see, hear, read the result. Due to the output device, it is possible that you can get the result as a soft copy or hard copy.

Types of Computer By Use

Computers are of (2) types By use.

  • Desktop
  • Laptop

In Desktop Computers, CPU, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse all components are connected separately. In a laptop computers, all devices are attached to one.

Types of computers by size

Computers are of (4) type By Size

  • Super computer
  • Mainframe computer
  • Mini computer
  • Micro computer

(1.) Super Computer; – Supercomputers can work 10 times faster. Supercomputers are the fastest and powerful computers. Has the ability to do any work in very less time. It can solve complex tasks very easily and at a fast speed. It is the most expensive. Its storage capacity is high. It can perform millions of instructions per second.

The size of Super Computers is very large. The world’s first supercomputer was built in 1979, its name is CRAY K 1S. Their CPU capacity is 500 MFLOPS (Mega Floating Operations Per Second).

Use of supercomputers in various fields: – weather forecasting, climate research. To name a few supercomputers: – CRAY K 1S, PARAM, ANUPAM, Blue Gene, COSMOS

(2.) Mainframe Computer; – Mainframe computers are large size. Its memory capacity is more than a personal computer and a mini-computer. By time-sharing and multi-tasking capability on such a computer, many people can simultaneously do different tasks at different terminals.

This computer is designed by installing a steel frame. The CPU of a mainframe computer has a capacity of 30 to 100 (MIPS). Use of mainframe computers in various fields; – Railway stations, airlines.

(3.) Mini Computer; – Mini computers are small in terms of size and functionality. The mini-computer is about 5 to 50 times more capable than the microcomputer. The mini-computer can operate on 20 to 30 terminals simultaneously. Minicomputers are as small as cupboards. Its CPU capacity is 10 to 30 MIPS (MIPS). Use of Mini Computer in various fields; – Bank Industry, Insurance Company.

(4.) Micro computer; – Microcomputers are also known as Personal Computer. Personal Computers are used in office, home, and business. Such computers are used by a single person. It can be easily placed on a small table.

Microcomputer Size is equivalent to television. The CPU capacity of a microcomputer is 1 to 10 (MIPS). The full name of MIPS is (Million Instructions Per Second). Use of microcomputer in various fields; – Educational computers, briefcase computers, home computers, personal computers.

Types of computers based on work

Computers are of (5) types by Work

  • Digital
  • Analogue
  • Hybrid
  • Atomic
  • Optical

(1.) Digital Computer; – Digital Computers calculations are pure. It can work more efficiently. They work by converting all types of information into binary methods.

(2.) Analogue Computer; – Analogue Computers performs its work by measuring. 100% of purity cannot be obtained in it. 1 % error remains. Analog is a Greek word.

(3.) Hybrid Computer; – Hybrid Computers consists of both analog and digital computers. They are used extensively in automated devices. The biggest hand in making robotic devices is hybrid computers.

(4.) Atomic Computer; – Research work is going on on this computer. That transforms a particular proton atom into an integrated circuit. Technological progress comes from advancing difficulty.

(5.) Optical Computer; – Optical Computers is a device that uses photons or infrared beam instead of electric current for its digital computation. These types of computers are being made in the development of fifth-generation computers.

Computer Hardware

The physical parts of a computer that we can see or touch are called Computer Hardware. This part can be mechanical, electrical or electronic. The hardware of each computer can be different. It depends on what purpose is being used and what is the need of the person.

A computer has different types of hardware, the main ones are – CPU, Hard disk, RAM, Processor, Monitor, Motherboard, Floppy disk, USB port, CD Drive), DVD drive, etc. Computer cables, power supply unit, scanner, mouse, keyboard, printer are also covered under hardware.

But it is a peripheral device. peripheral device means a separately connected device.

Computer Software

Computer does not understand Hindi or English language like us. The instructions that we give to the computer have a fixed language, which is called machine language. These programs are called software, which we run on hardware and through which all our work is done. It is impossible to get any work done from computer without software.

Types of Computer Software

There are (2) types of software.

  • system software
  • application software

(1.) System software; – System software is software that manages and controls your computer. Because of this, the application software can run on the computer or we can work on it. System software itself is called the Operating system. The System software is a type of program used to run a computer’s hardware and application software.

System software creates communication between hardware and user application. Examples of system software; – window 10, Window 8, Window 7, Window XP, Window Vista, DOS, etc.

(2.) Application software; – Application software is called such programs, which help us to do our daily tasks on the computer more quickly and easily. There are different application software for different usage as per requirement. Examples of application software; – MS Word, PowerPoint, Photoshop, Google Chrome, Skype, Paint, etc.

Internal Parts of CPU Cabinet

 Internal Parts of CPU Cabinet

(1.) CPU; – CPU means Control process unit ie the part in which the main work of the computers is done. In Hindi, it is also called the Center Analysis Unit, as it is clear from its name that it is the part of the computer where the computer analyzes the information received. We call this the heart and mind of computers. The CPU is also known as Microprocessor.

(2.) Microprocessor; – Microprocessor is the electronic part, which complies with our instructions and programs. The speed of computers depends only on the capability of the microprocessor. The company making the microprocessor is intel.

(3.) Motherboard; – Motherboard is the backbone of any computers. The motherboard is also called a printed circuit board. A motherboard is a device that connects all the necessary equipment of the computer to itself. Such as RAM, ROM, Microprocessor, Sound card, Video card, Hard disk drive, etc. It consists of small, large slots.

what is Motherboard
Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay

(4.) Hard disk drive; – Used in computers to store information. It takes place inside the cabinet. A lot of data can be stored in it. Hard dicks occur in different sizes. The user chooses it according to their requirements.

(5.) RAM; – Data or program is temporarily stored in RAM. When the computer is shut down or power is lost, the data stored in the RAM is erased, so RAM is called volatile or temporary memory.

(6.) ROM; – This is a permanent memory. In which programs are stored at the time of the creation of the computer. Even after the computer is switched off, the data stored in ROM is not destroyed. Hence ROM is Non Volatile or Permanent memory.

(7.) SATA cable; – The full name of SATA is (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment). There is a connector that is used to connect a storage device on a large scale to the motherboard of computers. Like Hard Disk is a storage device.

(8.) SMPS; – The full name of SMPS is (Switched Mode Power Supply). If we say in simple language, SMPS is an electronic device that can be used for different parts of the computers (Ram, Rom, Motherboard, Hard disk drive, CD drive, CPU) provides power supply so that the computer can function.

Types of Input Device

  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Scanner
  • Microphone
  • Barcode
  • joystick
Types of Computer Input Device

(1.) Keyboard; – This is the most prominent input device. A frequently used device. With its help, you can write or type anything on the computer. The keyboard looks like a typewriter. Types of key; – Alphabet keys, Number keys, Special key, Function keys.

(2.) Mouse; – We also call it Pointer device and Cursor device. We use it to select Icon on the screen of the monitor or to open a file and Folder. It has three buttons. Left, Right, Scroll.

The surface of the mouse may have ball or laser lights on the surface. When it is shaken by placing it on a surface, it changes the rubber ball or laser light. The same speed and direction is displayed on the Computer Monitor. There are three types of mouse; – 1. laser, 2. Track Ball 3. Wireless.

(3.) Scanner; – This is a device with which we digitally convert written papers and pictures into pictures, and can be stored in memory or store in a computer.

(4.) Microphone; – Microphone is a device that converts your voice into digital data. It is also called Mike. It is like an input device in a computer. With the help of this, you can insert audio data into your computer, along with this we can Type in our computer, and by doing this also saves time.

(5.) Barcode Reader; – Barcode Reader This is a device that scans the information in the barcode using a laser beam to obtain information about the product and item etc. A barcode reader is often found in stores and is used to make a bill of goods. One of the biggest contributions to making barcodes (Norman Joseph Woodland).

(6.) joystick; – This tool is useful for children to play games.

What is Output device

Tools that help us know the results. And with their help, we can see, hear, read the result. It is possible due to the output device that one can get the result in the form of a soft copy or hard copy.

Types of Output Device

  • Monitor
  • Printer
  • Plotter
  • Projector
  • Earphone
  • Speaker
Types of computer Output Device

(1.) Monitor; – Monitor output is the main part of the device. We also call it a visual display unit. It is exactly like an old TV. Whatever work we do on the computer, we can see, understand, and even change the work through the monitor of the computer.

The monitor itself is called Computer Display, Screen. Inside it is a printed circuit board, with different devices connected. It is a hardware device. Examples; – CRT, LED, LCD

(2.) Printer; – A printer is an output device, an electronic device that converts our documents and pictures from soft copy to hard copy. If we say it in the simple language then Documents and Picture are printed on paper. We use it in many ways. Such as depositing in office, depositing in school, printing on paper to speak the speech, etc.

The world’s first electronic printer was the EP-101, invented by the Japanese company Epson, and released in 1968. Types of printers; – Inject Printer, Dot Matrix Printer, Laser Printer, Thermal Printer, etc.

(3.) Plotter; – If we say in simple language, the plotter works like a printer, the only difference is that it is his elder brother. It prints a large picture graphic banner. Types of plotter; – Drum plotters, Flatbed plotter.

(4.) Projector; – An electronics device that displays an image from the small screen to the big screen is called a projector. Projectors are also used in almost all companies for planning, training, classrooms, classrooms, houses, auditoriums, home theater, watching movies

It creates a picture on the screen or wall through the lens. These pictures can be seen easily from very far. The projector is an output device. It is a part of the hardware.

(5.) Earphone; – It is also an output device and hardware device. The earphone is a device that converts electrical energy into sound energy and is inserted into the ear, which is used for listening to the radio, MP3, songs, videos. They are very small in size. It is just like headphones.

(6.) Speaker; – The speaker is an output device. The speaker is a hardware device. We can hear the audio sound by connecting it to the computer. (Eg songs and videos) etc. Speaker, We often get to hear it at home weddings.

History of Computers

Charles Babbage, the father of the computer is considered. Charles Babbage was an English scientist. It was he who first conceived the computer, but could not make it even after working for 40 years. The first computer program was created by Ada Augsta lovelace. He named the computer Ada. Ada was the pupil of Charles Babbage.

The world’s first electronic computer is ENIAC-1. The full name of ENIAC is an electronic numerical integrator and calculator. The invention of ENIAC was J.J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. An important contribution to the development of computers is that of John Von Neumann. Siddhartha is the first computer made in India.

In the first generation, computers made of vacuum tubes were prevalent. The second generation, computers made of transistors were prevalent. In the third generation, computers made from IC integrated circuits are very popular. The fourth generation of LSI-made computers is prevalent. Research continues to run computers from the optical fiber in the fifth generation.

Language of Computer

Language of Computer
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

There are mainly 3 languages.

Binary numerals were used by programs to command computers in the early days of computers. This language used to take a lot of time. Due to which the assembly and high-level language were developed.

(1.) Machine code language; – In this language, each order has 2 parts. The order code and the location code are expressed by grouping them in the order of 0 and 1. Only 0 and 1 are called binary numbers.

(2.) Assembly Language; – Memorable coding was done in this language which is known as Mnemonic Code. For example ADD for ADDITION, SUB for SUBTRACTION, etc. But the use of this language was limited to fixed-structure computers. This language is called low-level language.

(3.) High-Level Language; – High-level language is developed by the American company IBM. The first high-level language is FORTRAN. Fortran is developed by the IBM company itself. Full name of IBM (International Business Machines)

Some other high level languages are as follows

  • LOGO
  • UNIX
  • ADA
  • LISP

(1.) FORTRAN;- Fortron solves mathematical formulas easily and in a short time. It is also called scientific language. Fortron is a short form of English word formula translation.

(2.) COBOL;- A computer programming language designed for use in commerce. The full name of COBOL is common business oriented language.

(3.) BASIC;- It is a simple high-level programming language. Its full name is Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.

(4.) Algol;- Its development is used in complex algebraic calculations. Algol full name is algorithm language.

(5.) PASCAL;- PASCAL is named after a French mathematician (Blaise Pascal). It was designed to carry out scientific calculations. This is a modified form of Algol.

(6.) COMAL;- This language is used for secondary level students. The full name of COMAL is Common Algorithm Language.

(7.) Logo (LOGO);- This language is used for graphics.

(8.) PROLOG;It is a high-level programming language. It is used for artificial intelligence.

(9.) LINUX; Linux is an open-source operating system. We can also call it software. We can also call it operating software. As is a window, so is Linux.

(10.) UNIX;- Unix is ​​a multi-user, multitasking operating system developed at Bell Labs. It consists of three parts shell and program, kernel.

(11.) ADA;- Ada Ada is a programming language, similar to Pascal. Ada is named after Ada Augusta Lovelace. Make Ada Augusta Lovelace the first program in the world.

(12.) LISP;- Its full name is List processing. LISP is a programming language designed for easy manipulation of data strings. Lisp can be used for any type of application. It is used to misuse calculations.

(13.) SNOBOL;- SNOBOL full name is String Oriented Symbolic Language. Snowball is a language for text processing, pattern matching. It is a programming language.

Use of computers

The computer makes the most difficult tasks easier. Today, computer usage is increasing everywhere. Everywhere whether education institute or scientific research, computers has become very important everywhere. we can easily do any work in a short time with a computer.

  • Storing data on a very large scale in a computer can get information using store data.
  • From a computer, we can create Documents, presentations.
  •  The computer is a source of entertainment for children. With this, we can play the game.
  • The calculation can be done easily.
  • From the computer, we can watch Songs, Movies, play the Internet, do animation work.
  • We can send an email with the help of the Internet on computers.
  • With this, we can chat with anyone.
  • Today, with the help of the Internet on the computer, we can read and study from home.
  • Computers have become a major source of knowledge.
  • With the help of computers, we can withdraw money from ATMs and put money. And you can also transfer money to anyone, you can do a bank balance check.
  • With the help of the internet on the computer, we can transfer money from one account to another sitting at home.
  • The benefits of government schemes are also being passed on to the government in the form of e-governance. The computers have a huge contribution to making all these tasks easy.
  • Computers have been in use in the security sector since the beginning, but today, with the help of computers, large missiles, the satellite is controlled.
  • With the help of computers, they expand their business easily through the Internet.
  • Nowadays Action scene is used in Movies with the help of a computer.
  • With the help of computers, tickets can be booked at the airport and at the railway station.
  • We can get climate-related data from computer. Today, computers are heavily tested with the help of the Internet.
  • The use of computers in the field of banking has proved to be a boon.
  • The use of computers in the medical field has demonstrated to be a safe home, with the help of which patient records can be created effectively.

Other words

  • Port;- It acts as a connector. With the help of which we can connect the external devices easily. Some of the ports are – Parallel Port, Serial Port, USB Port.
  • Boot;- The work is done by the operating system to make the computer work, Which is called boot.
  • Reboot;- This means to bring the computers back to the operating state from the shutdown state.
  • Icon;- Place the small application software on the first page of the computer’s screen called an icon.
  • Bit;- This is the smallest unit of memory of a computer called a bit.
  • Peripheral;- A separate electronic device installed in computers is called a peripheral device. Such as keyboard mouse speakers etc.
  • Chip;- If you look at a chip, people often call it a memory card, but this chip is an integrated circuit.
  • Pixel;- The smallest part of any photo is called a pixel. One pixel of this monitor is represented by a small dot. These multiple dots combine to form a photo. The more pixels in a certain place, the better is the quality of the photo.
  • Bug;- An error in a computer’s system or program is called a bug. Due to which the system starts giving wrong results.
  • Computer Network;- One computer in a computer network is connected to other computers. With the help of this, many computers in a building can be connected. And can share files.
  • Expansion card;- All computer’s motherboards have Expansion slots. Expansion slots mean that we can add additional hardware in the future. And this hardware is also called the Expansion card. These are also called PCI (peripheral components interconnect) cards. peripheral components interconnect means separately mounted hardware. There are many types of expansion cards such as video cards or graphics cards, sound cards, USB 2.0 cards, network cards, firewire cards, TV tuner card, etc. An extension card is used to increase the functionality and performance of the computer.

Thankyou For Watching Post.

Relative Topics;- Computer in Hindi

1 thought on “What is Computer? Types of Computer

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